Balance Sheet + Income Statement + Financial KPIs Template
This template was designed to calculate Financial KPIs based on Balance Sheet Statement and Income Statement information. It can be used to improve your strategy execution, aligning business activities and individual actions with strategic objectives. It also provides a means for you to monitor core activities of the business rather than simply outcome measures of financial success.
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a set of quantifiable measures that a company uses to gauge its performance over time. These metrics are used to determine a company’s progress in achieving its strategic and operational goals, and also to compare a company’s finances and performance against other businesses within its industry. Key performance indicators tied to the financials, such as included in this template, are usually focused on revenue and profit margins.
Learn more about the functions provided by this template:
Balance Sheet Statement + Income Statement:
In this screen you enter the previously calculated data for assets and liabilities. You can also enter the data previously calculated for your Income Statement. White cells are reserved for input and green cells have formulas for displaying the subtotals of the calculated values.
Financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
In this screen you can see the financial indicators already calculated using the formulas developed for this worksheet. This screen presents the financial indicators based on the values that you typed in the previous screens of Income Statement and Balance Sheet.
This module contains the following KPIs:
Cash Flow
Total Ratio
Current Ratio
Working Capital Ratio
Cash on hand Ratio
Average Collection Period
Average Payment Period
Days in Inventory
Operating Cycle
Cash Conversion Cycle
Asset Turnover
Fixed Assets Turnover
Inventory Turnover
Debt Ratio (%)
Debt to Equity Ratio (%)
Gross Margin Ratio
Operating Margin
Pretax Profit Margin
Return on Total Assets (ROTA)
Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio
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Balance Sheet + Income Statement + Financial KPIs Template