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Kaizen 5S methodology – Business analysis lean Template spreadsheet

Free Kaizen 5S methodology - Business analysis lean Template spreadsheetIn this Excel template about Kaizen 5S, you will understand and implement this methodology of continuous improvement in your company.
Kaizen incorporates the 5S program, which is based on “5 Senses” application: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain.

What is the Kaizen 5S program?

Kaizen 5S is a useful tool to identify and solve problems. It can be applied by companies of all sizes and can promote improvements in relation to the following aspects:

-Productivity and performance;
-Work environment;
-Communication and relationship between people;
-Safety at work;
-Adherence to quality standard;
-Reduction of errors and waste;
-Reduction of costs and losses;
-Reduction of complaints;

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Learn more about the Kaizen 5S concept:

1. SEIRI – Sort (Cleanup): 

This is the first step in 5S, and it refers to the sorting of the clutter from the other items within the work area that are actually needed. This stage requires the team to remove all items that clearly do not belong in the working area and only leave those that are required for the processes in question.

2. SEITON – Set in Order (Arrange):

This is the process of taking the required items that are remaining after the removal of clutter and arranging them in an efficient manner through the use of ergonomic principles and ensuring that every item “has a place and that everything is in its place”.

3. SEISO – Shine (Neatness):

This relates to the thorough cleaning of the area, tools, machines and other equipment to ensure that everything is returned to a “nearly new” status. This will ensure that any non-conformity stands out, such as an oil leak from a machine onto a bright, newly painted clean floor.

4. SEIKETSU – Standardize (Discipline): 

This is the process of ensuring that what we have done within the first three stages of 5S become standardized; that is we ensure that we have common standards and ways of working. Standard work is one of the most important principles of Lean manufacturing.

5. SHITSUKE – Sustain (Ongoing Improvement):

This is the final stage, ensuring that the company continue to continually improve using the previous stages of 5S, maintain housekeeping, and conduct audits and so forth. 5S should become part of the culture of the business and the responsibility of everyone in the organization.

Kaizen Meaning:

Kaizen is a japanese word composed of “kai”, which means “change”, and “zen”, which means “good”. In short, it means “change for better” or simply “seeking to improve”. Kaizen 5S is based on the Lean concept to be applied on any company that wants solutions to its productivity and continuous improvement.

Click here to download our FREE Kaizen 5S – Business Analysis Lean Template Spreadsheet.

Combine this free template with other tools:

Ishikawa Diagram
Simple PDCA

Learn more about:

Kaizen Institute (

Lean Tools (

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